No God’s Land
“World was a very peaceful place,
And then……God’s arrived”
What is it about God that humans lose all their comman senses, logic and sanity. What is it about God that most of the brilliant minds also believe in the theory of God. But the unpopular opinion about God is that it doesn’t exist. Practically this might be correct, but in this 21st century also people get extremely offended by the theory of God’s non existence. Humans can have mutual consensus on almost everything, except God and religion. Everybody has become so religiously brainwashed that they are not ready to accept any other version except their own. Everybody has their own interpretation of God, some are bookish and some are self thought, but most of the interpretation is what society has been believing for a long time.
Gods Definition
![Gods Definition as per Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and others](
The definition of God depends on from which religion you are. But to put in simple terms God is a man made thing. It’s our imagination which has gone to the extreme. So extreme that humanity and logic bows down to our theory of God. But if we can put in simple and logical terms, God is just a belief. We can believe in anything and call anything as God. The problem arises when that belief system supports illogical theories. We stop believing in anything else. Our faith blinds us from seeking the facts, no amount of logical reasoning is good enough.
Every religion claims their God’s truth is the only truth. But still there’s no logical theory to support the existence of God. Or maybe God is something which needs to be felt. We must have noticed that religious places have certain kind of atmosphere which makes us feel various kind of strong emotions. And those similar kind of strong human emotions are unconsciously felt as God. These emotions run so high into human that sometimes it reaches the level of ecstasy. These kind of similar ecstasies or emotions are felt as submitting yourself to God.
Basically God can be defined as a combination of belief and strong emotions which doesn’t have any logical reasoning.
But still there’s no single particular definition of God. Various religious, books and humans make their own interpretation.
Making of a God
Anybody with wise and noble teachings can be made into a God. For that to happen it only requires a few organised supporters who are ready to spread his/her teachings across the world. And over the time a new God is created. Jesus, Ram, Allah, Buddha didn’t become God in just a few days or in a few years but it took hundreds of years for them to attain this status. Though they themselves never declared themselves as God. But their believers and followers gave them the almighty status. Who knows in the future years we could have a new God.
The Book
All the things written in these books need not be true. And they aren’t.
In our daily lives do we follow our religious books strictly? It is practically impossible to adhere to each and every saying written in these books, be it from any religion. But the harsh truth is people follow it as per their selfish convenience. Sometimes it becomes freedom of religious expression and sometimes the same religious freedom is pitted against freedom of individual choice. This shows the the hypocritical nature of humans. And the same humans blindly follow these books and believe that a few hundred pages of a book is the only truth and knowledge. That’s an absolutely absurd claim to have because knowledge is infinite. Another thing is that most of the teachings of these books are based on few people’s interpretation.
The confusing part here is that humans interpretation are not based on research but rather on few people’s thinking which has been imposed on the society.
Books on god and religion shouldn’t be restrictive. But the human theory of religion and god in these books has put shackles on our thinking. There are so many restrictions on what to do or what not to do. But the critical restriction we have put on is, it’s on our mind which has become so restrictive that we are not ready to see the other logical perspective. It is not the god but it’s the bookish human perception of God which is the root cause of all the issues. Any logical argument is always responded with the “because it’s written in our book”.
There has been so many injustices and crime have been done just because some book said something and some nuthead mad took it literally. People don’t even try to understand the context of words written in these books. But the truth is that only few people actually read these religious books and try to understand it logically. In fact there are many who still hasn’t read a single page of either Quran, Gita, Bible or any other religious book. There knowledge of religion comes from various religious speakers, pandits, maulana, pastors and others who project themselves as the flag bearer of their religion.
Also, religious books shouldn’t be taken literally and seriously. It’s just like a guide book where people should use it as a reference, but in logical terms.
The Writer
![Ved Vyas the writer of Bhagvad gita and Moses the Writer of Bible](
Right: It is believed that Moses wrote some parts of Bible between 200 – 500 CE
We believe that the teaching of religious books such as the Bible, Gita & Quran are the words of God. Did God actually write it? Or did the messengers sent by God actually write it? Someone must have certainly penned down those words and sentences of these religious books.
Isn’t the thoughts written on these books are off those writers, rather than of God’s? It could be possible that those writers wrote a few hundred good lines and people thought it was God’s word. Similarly, somebody must have penned down his/her feelings and thoughts, which later became a religious book.
If we walk down the history lane we will find that religious books have gone through changes, some very little and some little bit more. There is still no clarity about the origins of any of the various religious books, but somehow humans are convinced that the saying in these books have come from God only. And citing the sayings in these religious books people are fighting among themselves, because someday someone decided to write a book and convinced everyone that it’s God’s word from heaven.
Humans have the nature of questioning every aspect of life and that’s why we have come so far as a civilization. Then why do we accept the bookish theory of the Idea of God? Why do we believe that the writings in the Gita, Bible and Quran are the ultimate truth?
Human centric God
![Why humans belive in God](
God exists because human exist, no human no god. Our thinking of God is very human centric. Similarly many religious books and it’s teaching are also human centric, whereas humans represent less than 0.1% of the total world population. When these books don’t even consider the other 99.9% of the living beings then it cannot be a wise and sensible book. Very few things have been written about other creatures in these book’s. Why does God need to be from the human community? What about other living beings? Why do humans feel that they are so important?
We must remember that humans cannot survive without the existence of non-human creatures. But on the contrary, the existence of humans is inconsequential for other creatures.
Unnatural Division
![Humans believe Gods has magical power](
We claim God to be unbiased and pure. But at the same time many are trying to lure others to believe in their God. As per our narrow thinking God will only help us if we believe and bow down to him/her. This idea of God looks very selfish. Jesus will only help the Cristians, Allah will only help muslims, Hindu gods will only help Hindus. And this goes on for other religions also. If such groupism is there then that entity cannot be called as God. As per humans, Gods of different religions are not fond of each.
If Sharmaji is praying to Allah it makes Shiva angry, If Abdullah is praying to Shiva it will make Allah angry, similarly if Daniel prays to Jewish God it will make Jesus angry.
How stupid and laughable is this thinking. Why can’t we pray to all the Gods at a time? Why do we need to follow only one particular God? The modern theory of God looks more like a multiple choice question where we have only one choice. But actually it’s the human concept of God which is totally wrong. If a god is truly unbiased he/she will never make divisions. If he/she is unbiased then it’s not a God.
No Secular Country
![India Pakistan Wagah Border
and Israel settlements in Palestinian land](
Right: Israel settlements in Palestinian land
The issue of faith and belief is so strong that Gods have been geographically divided. Countries have been formed based on the religions. Even their laws are based on religion. Western countries are basically for Cristians, Arab Countries are for islams believers, hindus have found their homeland in India, eastern countries like Japan and China follow Buddhism, Jews have settled in Israel.
Countries are also at loggerheads because of their religion. Azerbaijan – Armenia, India – Pakistan, Israel – Palestine are some countries where there is always conflict because of territory issues, but religion also plays a major part in these conflicts. The reason being that humans have given its religious identity the most priority and also most of the people link religious identity with nation. An ideal nation should be free from race and religious identity. But the true fact is that there’s not a single country where the population has been religiously evenly divided. Such strong is the issue of God. Consciously or unconsciously the idea of God is so deep rooted in people’s minds that humans have made division not only in land and water but also in planets and stars.
God & Internet
If our idea of God is that he/she, supreme, most powerful, the creator, then the question arises does God need protection? This is what some self claimed warriors of religions have been doing. As per their understanding God needs protection. This is a very stupid thinking. But the problem arises when this dumbness turns into absolute belief. World has witnessed so much brutality and injustice in the name of God. People get killed just because of some cartoons, jokes and incident of distant past. This is the level of madness humans have accustomed to. If somebody’s getting hurt they have every right to protest but not right to kill. In the current scenario the value of God is above everything else. Development, humanity, commonsense, brotherhood and peace have taken a backseat.
Before the modern era people were not very aware of the happenings of around the world, now because of the internet and media, religious killings or injustice in one part of the world have an adverse effect on another part of the world. This is because in recent times religious intolerance has grown significantly among people. Humans are more aware of their religion then ever before.
No matter how much secular we try become but majority of the society has been religiously brainwash.
And internet and social media has played a major part in all this. Internet and technology is a tremendous tool which the humans are utilising improperly. Earlier Gods were only active in people’s mind now they captured space in the internet also. There’s absolute war going on between gods of different religions in facebook and twitter. People are busy forwarding and sharing hateful content about other religions. People are making Gods fight among themselves wherever whenever possible. Such is the sorry state we have come to that these things has started to become normal.
Who created God
![Why and who created God](
All the religions believe that only their theory of God’s creation is the correct one. Our society is built in such a way that we don’t question the theory of God’s creation. But the logical answer is that God was never created, but the idea of God was certainly created and that particular idea has been imprinted so deeply in people’s mind that we consider it the ultimate truth.
It might be that, in seeking the answer to from where and how the creation has been created, we created a self belief system and named it God.
And from there we stopped seeking answers, we believed everything someone said, because that person made us believe that it was the words of God. But many are still trying to find answers, some spiritually and some scientifically. But the matter of the fact is that we may never know the total answers. Because there will always be a question, who created the creator and that creator was created by whom. It’s a never ending infinite cycle.
Age of Gods
Hinduism is said to be the oldest religion, around 4000 years old followed by Christianity, Islam and others. But the thing we forget is that the modern form of humans was developed around 200000 years ago. In fact the human ancestors could be traced to around 6 million years ago.
So what was before 4000 years ago? Which religion and gods were followed then?
Our modern day God’s era is extremely less if we consider the human lifetime on earth. Who knows how many God’s generations have passed by. Who knows how many Gods and religions must have come and gone. Or the idea of God is a very modern day thinking if we consider the age of our planet which is many millions years old?
Similarly it also could be assumed that after a few thousand years in the future modern day Gods wouldn’t be there. Some new God with it’s new religion will knock our door. Change is the law of nature, nothing is constant, not even this universe, not even the solar system and not even Gods.
Why we need a God
![Why humans need God](
The presence of God practically makes no difference to our lives. But human is an emotionally intelligent being. When humans started to develop intelligence they discovered and invented many things, including God. For the emotional aspect of life many connect with God more than they do with humans. God is the last thing human being needs.
Humans are emotionally very vulnerable and we find a good solace in the shape of God. We talk to God, we feel that God hears us, but unconsciously we communicate with ourselves only.
And also humans use God as a shield for their own failure. And many use God as a forgiveness tool for their wrongdoings and unwillful acts. This is a sick mentality we have become accustomed to. Also, many need God because they are incapable and lazy. We want God to help us in academics, find a nice job, good partner, beautiful house, almost everything human desires. All these desires we pray to God is for ourselves only, hardly we pray for others. Such is the selfish thought of humans are, that we want God to take sides. This is because we have more faith in God’s ability than ours. Basically we want God as an insurance.
Religious controversies are fought in a compulsive mindset, but if we sit down and think consciously most of the issues wouldn’t ever occur. But still we forget that we are part of the soil. Even if one is buried or burned, ultimately we become part of the soil. This is a part of evolution. Also we forget that we are already living in heaven, but we are making it hell by fighting in the name of god, religion and a book.
If we look up in history we will find that there has been more killings in the name of God than any other issue. The idea of God has done more harm than good. Then what is the purpose of God if we cannot attain a simple peace and brotherhood among ourselves. Coexistence of different races, different animals, different planets are the source of life on earth, then why can’t different Gods coexist? Maybe they cannot coexist because humans’ definition, imagination and idea of God is a flawed one. Or are we trying too hard to make something exist which doesn’t exist at all.
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